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Order Your Blueberry Plants

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Blueberry Plants Available

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Evergreen, early fruiting variety, producing tasty medium sized berries. Performs best in warm areas. Looks great as an edible hedge too!



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Brightwell Blueberries

A rabbit eye variety that is one of the hardiest of blueberries. Fruit forms in large clusters like grapes in summer. Self-Fertile. Open habit and up to 3m tall!



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Gulf Coast Blueberries

Low chill variety with a vigorous and up right growth habit. Early, medium size fruit with excellent flavour. Fruits well with Biloxi or Sharpe Blue as a pollinator.



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Legacy Blueberries

This low to medium chill variety is a must for any collection. It is a high yielding and fruit is large and the flavour is exceptional. It is self-fertile & an excellent pollinator for other variety blueberry plants.


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A highly sought after blueberry with large sweet fruit in Spring. Bush is vigorous and ornamental with blush leaves. Benefits from cross pollination of other blueberry plant varieties.


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Sharpe Blue Blueberries

A very low chill variety for warm areas. High quality large fruit in spring on a tough and vigorous bush. Fruits best with Biloxi or Gulf Coast variety blueberry plants.



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Sunshine Blue Blueberries

A Low chill variety. Produces high yields of delicious berries early in the season. Plant is a compact growing variety. It is self-fertile, fruit set can be even more improved when planted with other varieties of blueberry plants.


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Australian bred dwarf Blueberry. This variety is unique for its extremely large fruit size, high yielding, and early season flowering and early season harvest.





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Australian bred, evergreen. Naturally dwarfing & self-pollinating blueberry variety that is characterised by the extra-large fruit size. Low chill variety, flowering and fruiting over a four to six month period with an exceptionally high yield. 


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Advanced 3 year old+ plants (23 Litre Smart Pots - 350mm) are $55 each.

Or 2 for $100



1 - 2 year old plants (3 Litre Pots - 120mm) are $15 each.


1 - 2 year old plants (23 Litre Pots - 350mm) $50 each​


Blueberry Plants

Raspberry & Blackberry Plants

Blueberry Varieties
Raspberry & Blackbery Varieties

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